
Now Offering Raleigh Bucket Truck Service

North Raleigh Tree is now offering bucket truck services in Raleigh. Our bucket trucks make nearly any job possible. Is your tree in a difficult spot? Do the very top branches need trimming? Does your tallest tree need pruning? We can even use our bucket trucks to hang elaborate Christmas decorations you never thought possible!
Our licensed and insured tree service professionals are ready to conquer any job, no matter how big or small. Contact us today for a free estimate of your tree service needs.

Emergency Tree Removal Raleigh

IMG_0759We were called for an emergency tree removal job earlier this week. There was a large oak that was leaning heavily and had a split about 20 feet up the trunk due to the fact that it was hollow. At risk were power lines, a fence, pedestrians and road traffic.

While assessing the situation, we actually heard small splits occurring in the tree making a fall imminent. We pushed our afternoon job aside to accommodate this emergency and arranged for a boom truck. Typically, a climber is inserted into the tree and the boom truck ties off to limbs and sections to lower them safely.  In this case, since it was too dangerous to insert a climber, we improvised and did the opposite. The boom truck was used to suspend the climber who made the cuts and let the limbs and sections fall to the ground. This was a great case in adaptability and assessing how to attack an atypical situation.

If you have a problem tree or emergency tree removal needs, please call North Raleigh Tree at (919) 808-2467 or contact us online.
Continue reading “Emergency Tree Removal Raleigh”

Prepare Your Trees Now for Winter Weather

The cold weather is now upon us and now is the time to prepare your yard, specifically your trees, for possible ice, snow, wind and storms. Winter weather can wreak havoc on a yard that is not prepared for it. If you have limbs that are too close to the house or trees that are leaning in your yard, it is imperative that you take care of this now as you do not want to have these trees causing damage to your home or property.

North Raleigh Tree provides free consultations and can assess the trees in your yard to determine which ones might be causing a potential threat. We can advise you on which limbs or trees need to be removed so that they do not cause you a headache down the road. Continue reading “Prepare Your Trees Now for Winter Weather”

Hire a Professional Tree Removal Company

Professional-tree-removalWe cannot underscore enough why it is so important to hire a professional to remove trees in your yard. Many homeowners have come to regret taking matters into their own hands, just to save a few bucks.

The risk of damage to your home is simply not worth it, not to mention how dangerous this can be for an inexperienced “DIY’er.” These trees are thousands of pounds and having one fall in the wrong direction can be deadly. Even a debris removal project that may seem simple can entail removing tree limbs that are as big as the trees themselves. Leave it to the Raleigh tree removal professionals who are trained and have the right equipment to safely get the job done. Continue reading “Hire a Professional Tree Removal Company”